12 Sept 2023
With the citrus season slowly coming to its end and the World Cup Rugby in full swing, the industry starts planning for the new grape season around the corner. Concerns over Cape Town port operations during the grape season has resulted in alternative solutions being reviewed and sourced. Both shipments ex alternative ports (Port Elizabeth, Durban and even Walvis Bay) as well as more conventional solutions for Europe are being looked into. That being said, TNPA and Western Cape Exporters/Importers are trying to find a solution for the long term. TNPA is currently in the process of securing more hydraulic tension mooring units to assist with excessive surge motions.
Last of the Europe citrus is being packed and inspected (https://www.freshplaza.com/africa/article/9558182/south-african-citrus-industry-closes-2023-eu-exports/) in order to target Duty Deadline. GoReefers will be sending out regular updates on ETA, given delays in South African ports. Alternatively, you can make use of Active Shipments Report on www.root2go.group for up to date information as well.
GoReefers South Africa, Middle East and Europe recently attended Asia Logistica in Hong Kong. Neither Typhoon Saola nor the Black rainstorm stopped us from seeing our various customers and service providers, proving yet again that GoReefers keeps going beyond. We look forward to seeing our partners in Madrid for Fruit Attraction (please contact us should you wish to set up a meeting).
With the Bokke having won their first (of many) match, GoGlobal is showing our support for them, living our value of We Get Shit Done Regardless. Watch “GoGlobal Going Beyond” video attached to see how. If we can do this as support for the Bokke, imagine what we can do for you #WeWOWourPartners
Latest updates to Root2Go:
Rolling Plan: Last tracking move of your load with time/date has been added
Booking report: Market is now also included
Active Shipments: Copy documents are included for shipments that have been finalized
Should you require in depth training/walk through on Root2Go, please feel free to contact your relevant Logistics Manager or Customer Success Manager.
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