06th March 2023
Good day all.
As you are aware, Cape Town Container Terminal (CTCT) has been a mess (to put it mildly) these last few weeks. With the port having reported a record 210 hours of no work due to wind, the situation has not changed by much these last few days. The port has been wind bound yesterday and today, with Transnet accepting no reefers at CTCT until 8 March (provisionally). COMBI is also now wind bound, potentially affecting what loads we could do tomorrow. There is no available plug points outside the port as exporters try to load out to free up space at the cold stores. The good news is that the weather looks likely to play it’s part with Wind Guru indicating good weather Wednesday till Tuesday with a few gusts here and there.

We will keep you updated as things change as well as see what alternatives GoReefers can supply you with, even if it means the dreaded trucking costs to PE or Durban.
Kind regards
